
Math Class

The Math Class is available in java.lang pakcage. The Math Class contains methods for performing basic numeric operations such as the elementary exponential, logarithm, square root, and trigonometric methods etc.

1. Absolute Method(Double) in Math Class

public class AbsoluteDouble {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
            double x = 4876.1874d;
            double y = -9789.434d;
            System.out.println("Math.abs(" + x + ") = " + Math.abs(x));
            System.out.println("Math.abs(" + y + ") = " + Math.abs(y));

Output :

Math.abs(4876.1874) = 4876.1874
Math.abs(-9789.434) = 9789.434

2. Absolute Method(Float) in Math Class

public class AbsoluteFloat {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
            float x = 1.2345f;
            float y = -857.54f;
            System.out.println("Math.abs(" + x + ") = " + Math.abs(x));
            System.out.println("Math.abs(" + y + ") = " + Math.abs(y));

Output :

Math.abs(1.2345) = 1.2345
Math.abs(-857.54) = 857.54

3. Absolute Method(Int) in Math Class

public class AbsoluteInt {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
            int x = 4876;
            int y = -9789;
            System.out.println("Math.abs(" + x + ") = " + Math.abs(x));
            System.out.println("Math.abs(" + y + ") = " + Math.abs(y));

Output :

Math.abs(4876) = 4876
Math.abs(-9789) = 9789

4. Cube Root Method in Math Class

public class CubeRoot {       public static void main(String[] args) {
            double x = 125;
            double y = 216;
            System.out.println("Math.cbrt(" + x + ")=" + Math.cbrt(x));
            System.out.println("Math.cbrt(" + y + ")=" + Math.cbrt(y));

Output :

Math.abs(125) = 5.0
Math.abs(216) = 6.0

5. Ceil Method in Math Class

public class Ceil {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
            double x = 125.9;             double y = 0.4873;
            System.out.println("Math.ceil(" + x + ")=" + Math.ceil(x));
            System.out.println("Math.ceil(" + y + ")=" + Math.ceil(y));

Output :

Math.ceil(125.9) = 126.0
Math.ceil(0.4873) = 1.0

6. Floor Method in Math Class

public class Floor {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
            double x = 60984.1;             double y = -497.99;
            System.out.println("Math.floor(" + x + ")=" + Math.floor(x));
            System.out.println("Math.floor(" + y + ")=" + Math.floor(y));

Output :

Math.floor(60984.1) = 60984.0
Math.floor(-497.99) = -498.0

7. Cosine Method in Math Class

public class Cosine {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
            double x = 45.0;
            double y = 180.0;
            x = Math.toRadians(x);
            y = Math.toRadians(y);
            System.out.println("Math.cos(" + x + ")=" + Math.cos(x));
            System.out.println("Math.cos(" + y + ")=" + Math.cos(y));

Output :


7. Expression Method in Math Class

public class Expression {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
            double x = 5;
            double y = 0.5;
            System.out.println("Math.exp(" + x + ")=" + Math.exp(x));
            System.out.println("Math.exp(" + y + ")=" + Math.exp(y));

Output :

Math.exp(5) = 148.4131591025766
Math.exp(0.5) = 1.6487212707001282

8. Logarithm Method in Math Class

public class Logarithm {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
            double x = 60984.1;
            double y = -497.99;
            System.out.println("Math.log(" + x + ")=" + Math.log(x));
            System.out.println("Math.log(" + y + ")=" + Math.log(y));

Output :

Math.log(60984.1) = 11.018368453441132
Math.log(-497.99) = NaN

9. Logarithm with Base 10 Method in Math Class

public class LogBaseTen {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
            double x = 60984.1;
            double y = 1000;
            System.out.println("Math.log10(" + x + ")=" + Math.log10(x));
            System.out.println("Math.log10(" + y + ")=" + Math.log10(y));

Output :

Math.log10(60984.1) = 4.78521661890635
Math.log10(1000) = 3.0

10. Maximum Method (Double) in Math Class

public class MaxDouble{
      public static void main(String[] args) {
            double x = 60984.1;
            double y = 1000;
            System.out.println("Math.max(" + x + "," + y + ")=" + Math.max(x,y));

Output :

Math.max(60984.1, 1000) = 60984.1

11. Maximum Method (Float) in Math Class

public class MaxFloat{
      public static void main(String[] args) {
            float x = 60984.1f;
            float y = 1000f;
            System.out.println("Math.max(" + x + "," + y + ")=" + Math.max(x,y));

Output :

Math.max(60984.1, 1000) = 60984.1

12. Maximum Method (Int) in Math Class

public class MaxInt{
      public static void main(String[] args) {
            int x = 60984;
            int y = 1000;
            System.out.println("Math.max(" + x + "," + y + ")=" + Math.max(x,y));

Output :

Math.max(60984, 1000) = 60984

13. Maximum Method (Long) in Math Class

public class MaxLong{
      public static void main(String[] args) {
            long x = 6098499785l;
            long y = 100087898745;
            System.out.println("Math.max(" + x + "," + y + ")=" + Math.max(x,y));

Output :

Math.max(6098499785l, 100087898745) = 100087898745

14. Minumum Method (Double) in Math Class

public class MinDouble{
      public static void main(String[] args) {
            double x = 60984.1;
            double y = 1000;
            System.out.println("Math.min(" + x + "," + y + ")=" + Math.min(x,y));

Output :

Math.min(60984.1, 1000) = 1000

15. Minumum Method (Float) in Math Class

public class MinFloat {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
            float x = 60984.1f;
            float y = 1000f;
            System.out.println("Math.min(" + x + "," + y + ")=" + Math.min(x,y));

Output :

Math.min(60984.1, 1000) = 1000

16. Minumum Method (Int) in Math Class

public class MinInt{
      public static void main(String[] args) {
            int x = 60984;
            int y = 1000;
            System.out.println("Math.min(" + x + "," + y + ")=" + Math.min(x,y));

Output :

Math.min(60984, 1000) = 1000

17. Minumum Method (Long) in Math Class

public class MinLong{
      public static void main(String[] args) {
            long x = 6098499785l;
            long y = 100087898745;
            System.out.println("Math.min(" + x + "," + y + ")=" + Math.min(x,y));

Output :

Math.min(6098499785l, 100087898745) = 6098499785l

18. Power Method in Math Class

public class Power {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
            double x = 2.0;
            double y = 5.4;
            System.out.println("Math.pow(" + x + "," + y + ")=" + Math.pow(x,y));
            System.out.println("Math.pow(" + y + "," + x + ")=" + Math.pow(y,x));

Output :

Math.pow(2.0, 5.4) = 42.22425314473263
Math.pow(5.4, 2.0) = 29.160000000000004

19. Round Method (Double) in Math Class

public class RoundDouble {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
            double x = 1654.9874;
            double y = -9765.134;
            System.out.println("Math.round(" + x + ")=" + Math.round(x));
            System.out.println("Math.round(" + y + ")=" + Math.round(y));

Output :


20. Round Method (Float) in Math Class

public class RoundFloat {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
            float x = 1654.9874f;
            float y = -9765.134f;
            System.out.println("Math.round(" + x + ")=" + Math.round(x));
            System.out.println("Math.round(" + y + ")=" + Math.round(y));

Output :


21. Sine Method in Math Class

public class Sine {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
            double x = 45;
            double y = -180;
            x = Math.toRadians(x);
            y = Math.toRadians(y);
            System.out.println("Math.sin(" + x + ")=" + Math.sin(x));
            System.out.println("Math.sin(" + y + ")=" + Math.sin(y));

Output :


22. Tangent Method (Float) in Math Class

public class Tangent {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
            double x = 45;
            double y = -180;
            x = Math.toRadians(x);
            y = Math.toRadians(y);
            System.out.println("Math.tan(" + x + ")=" + Math.tan(x));
            System.out.println("Math.tan(" + y + ")=" + Math.tan(y));

Output :


23. Square Root Method in Math Class

public class SquareRoot {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
            double x = 9;
            double y = 25;
            System.out.println("Math.sqrt(" + x + ")=" + Math.sqrt(x));
            System.out.println("Math.sqrt(" + y + ")=" + Math.sqrt(y));

Output :

Math.sqrt(9) = 3.0
Math.sqrt(25) = 5.0